Description of Rovinj beaches
The coast of Rovinj is well known for its indentedness and variety and it is characterized through stones and rocks. Those who can't imagine their summer holiday without fine sand might be initially disappointed, but very soon they will become aware of the beauty and the charm of the coast which has a lush submarine life and where every beach is different and certainly represents something worth exploring.

For the most part, you will come across a rhythmic interchange of rocky capes and gentle bays that are covered with round little stones which have the size of a walnut. Such a coast seems inaccessible by appearance, however, it is a special pleasure to find one's own little hidden bay and to "rule" over it the whole day, far away from bustling crowds and clamor. Thanks to the little stones, these bays are very suitable for children who can enjoy themselves for hours by constructing and moulding pools, by catching small crabs or by throwing stones into the water. There is no need to emphasize the comforts of walking on such a ground which is very healthy and facilitates a foot massage.
In these bays the access to the sea is easy and gently sloping, whereas for the younger ones who enjoy junping into the sea, there are a few beaches with higher rocks which fall directly deeper into the sea and thus make acrobatic stunts possible. These beaches can be found in the Škaraba Bay and at Cape Rusi. We strongly advise you to become familiar with the beach and the depth of the sea at this spot prior to junping into it: the shimmering of the sea and the changes of high and low tide can be misleading so that jumps into shallow spots can sometimes result in heavy injuries.

In order to make swimming also enjoyable for those who don't like the stony coast, the town of Rovinj has in the past few years covered a number of beaches with fine gravel. These beaches can be found in Cuvi Bay, in Lone Bay and the Moulin Rouge Beach and they are very well attended. There you can also find additional services like cafes and bars, showers, toilets, dressing rooms, etc.
The indentedness of Rovinj's coast and the variety of the undersea result in a very lush sea flora and fauna so that divers, professionals as well as non professionals, will certainly enjoy it. The bringing up of shell remnants or strange stones is a frequent pastime and such things are the dearest souvenirs which will always remind you of your summer holiday at the Adriatic Sea. At this point, we would also like to advise you not to bring up living organisms or any kind of protected sea species, since you would jeopardize the submarine eco-system.
Please, also be careful and do not swim out too far into the open sea while diving and do not dive without a signal balloon which shows your location to fishing-and speedboats.
Beaches in Rovinj
- Description of Rovinj beaches
- Beaches on the map of Rovinj
- beaches for dogs
- nudism on Rovinj beaches
- Caution in the sea
- beaches for kids
southern part
- Moulin Rouge
- Bay Lone
- Golden Cape
- Skaraba
- Bay Koronsun
- Bay Cuvi
- tourist settlemet Villas Rubin
- camping Polari
- camping Vestar
- Cape Babo
- Bay Cisterna / Bay Bacvice
- Bay Gustinja
- Cape Gustinja
- Bay Dagita