Beaches in Rovinj: Bay Gustinja
Gustinja Bay is located 7 km away from Rovinj. To reach this part of the coast you have to go by car and take the road to Pula. At the locality Kokuletovica (which is 4 km away from the town center) you have to turn right and follow the road until the Camping Veštar.

In order to continue your journey to Gustinja Bay, you have to take the unasphalted logging path which turns left some ten meters before the campsite entry, after which you have to turn left before the Camping Mon Paradis. Following the path, you have to turn right until you reach Cisterna-Bay. We recommend that you find a parking place here. The path is maintained on an annual basis, holes are patched up and the vegetation is trimmed so that you won't damage your vehicle, although you have to be careful while parking close to bushes and low trees.
It is not possible to reach Gustinja-Bay by car, but you have to take a 10-minute walk. You can cross one part of the way through a trodden path which leads through the coastal vegetation, after which you will have to walk on the rocky coast. This is not recommneded for elderly people and small children.
Gustinja Bay is a wild beach with no sports grounds, no sanitary facilities and no gastronomic or other services, so that we recommend that you take everything with you that you might need for a longer stay at the sea. The closest services are located within the Camping Veštar, around 3 km away from the Bay and a Beach Bar at Cisterna Bay.

In this region the Mediterranean macchia is prevalent where the coastal oaktree (Quercus ilex) dominates. From August on, you will certainly be attracted to the yellow-greenish fruits of Christ's thorn (Paliurus spina - christi), to the ardent red fruits of the wild rose (Rosa canina), to the delicious blackberry fruits (Rubus fruticosus) and to many other domestic species that give a special charm to the vegetation in this time of the year.
The most beautiful beaches in Gustinja-Bay are two small gravel bays. The access to the sea is easy and the beaches are very suitable for children. The other beaches are mainly stony with more or less accessible coastal parts. For a more detailed picture, please look at the map at the top of the page or simply, while walking along the coast, chose the place that attracts you most. Although you will be able to find a shelter from the sun in the coastal macchia, we recommend that you take a sunshade with you or some similar kind of sun protection, especially between 11a.m. and 3p.m., when it is not advisable to expose oneself too much to the sun rays.
It is the impossibility of accessing Gustinja-Bay by car that makes it well-attended by those who own or rent a craft. This is the reason why you won't come across crowded beaches which makes them ideal for nudism.
The distance of these beaches from the civilisation results in a very lush submarine life. There you will find fish, mollusks and other sea animals and plants in abundance so that we certainly would like to invite you to bring a mask and foot fins with you and to enjoy the discovery of the seabed. Of course, please bear in mind that some species are protected and that you are asked to respect the submarine eco-system and not to jeopardize it through useless destruction and pollution.
Beaches in Rovinj
- Description of Rovinj beaches
- Beaches on the map of Rovinj
- beaches for dogs
- nudism on Rovinj beaches
- Caution in the sea
- beaches for kids
southern part
- Moulin Rouge
- Bay Lone
- Golden Cape
- Skaraba
- Bay Koronsun
- Bay Cuvi
- tourist settlemet Villas Rubin
- camping Polari
- camping Vestar
- Cape Babo
- Bay Cisterna / Bay Bacvice
- Bay Gustinja
- Cape Gustinja
- Bay Dagita