Beaches in Rovinj: Bay Cisterna / Bay Bacvice
Cisterna and Bačvice Bay are 6 km away from Rovinj. In order to reach this part, you have to go by car and take the road to Pula. When you reach the Kokuletovica locality (which is 4 km away from the town center), you have to turn right. This road leads to the Camping Veštar, and in order to continue your journey to Cisterna Bay, you have to take the unasphalted logging path which turns left some 10 meters before the Camping entry. You have to turn left before the Camping Mon Paradis and then follow the road, turning right at every crossroads until you reach the bay.
The road is renovated on an annual basis, holes are patched up and the vegetation is trimmed so that you won't damage your car, although you have to be careful while parking close to bushes and low trees.
In Cisterna Bay there are no regulated parking places and you won't find any additional services. The closest services are in the Camping Veštar, around 2 km away from the bay.

In the Cisterna bay there is a Beach bar.
In this region the Meditteranean macchia is prevalent where the coastal oaktree (Quercus ilex) dominates. From August on, you will certainly be attracted to the yellow-greenish fruits of Christ's thorn (Paliurus spina - christi), the vivid red fruits of the wild rose (Rosa canina), the delicious fruits of the blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) and many other native kinds which give a special charm to the vegetation in this season of the year.
Cisterna Bay is a wild beach where there are no sports grounds, sanitary facilities, gastronomic or other services, so that we recommend that you take everything with you that you might need for a whole day stay.
The beaches in Cisterna and Bačvice Bay are the most beautiful beaches at the entire southern coast of Rovinj. These are two quite big bays with beautiful gravels as white as snow and some 10 meters in the sea there is a sandbank on which you can stand at low tide. Because of the beauty of the beaches, you won't always be able to find a place in July and August, so we recommend that you follow the example of more experienced swimmers and that you leave earlier for swimming and, if possible, to plan a whole day stay at the sea. We also recommend that you take a sunshade or some similar kind of sun protection with you, since it is not advisable to expose yourself too much to the sun rays between 11a.m. and 3p.m.
If you are coming with your car, you will see that you can park it on the beach to which the road leads, and if you arrive early enough, you will find a place in the shade of the nearby trees.
Since Cisterna Bay is very well attended, we suggest that nudists look for the nearby bays where they will find peace and intimacy.
While you're there, take advantage of the opportunity and take a look at the ancient Roman cistern which is located on the coast between the Cisterna bay and Bacvice bay.
Beaches in Rovinj
- Description of Rovinj beaches
- Beaches on the map of Rovinj
- beaches for dogs
- nudism on Rovinj beaches
- Caution in the sea
- beaches for kids
southern part
- Moulin Rouge
- Bay Lone
- Golden Cape
- Skaraba
- Bay Koronsun
- Bay Cuvi
- tourist settlemet Villas Rubin
- camping Polari
- camping Vestar
- Cape Babo
- Bay Cisterna / Bay Bacvice
- Bay Gustinja
- Cape Gustinja
- Bay Dagita